ScrapeBox RankTracker Premium Plugin!

Track your website ranking for multiple keywords and across multiple search engines

Rank Tracker Plugin

  • Track Unlimited Sites
  • Track unlimited Keywords
  • Proxy Support
  • Track Google
  • Track Yahoo
  • Track Bing
  • Ranking Graphs
  • Scheduled Checking
  • Human Emulation Delay
  • Only $37 Lifetime License!
  • Windows Only


ScrapeBox Rank Tracker

The ScrapeBox RankTracker plugin allows you to track where your website or web pages rank for an unlimited number of keywords on the three main search engines Google, Yahoo and Bing.

If you have ever manually typed your keywords in to a search engine and clicked through the results looking for your website to see where you rank, you will know how slow and time consuming this process can be, especially when you own a number of websites and want to check numerous keywords for every site.

However with the Rank Tracker plugin after your project has been added this can all be done by simply clicking a button any time you wish to check your rankings. All your historical records are saved, and you can see how your rankings are improving over time, be able to tell at a glance how many positions each keyword has improved or fallen since the last check and see the average rank of all your keywords over time.

There’s 2 main ways to track your rankings, one is to offload the task to a company who provides you a login to their server to check your rankings. The other is by using a desktop software such as the ScrapeBox Rank Tracker. The benefits of using a desktop software is your domains, keywords and ranking data remain entirely on your PC, securely saved in zip files and nobody can access this information besides you!

Your information will always be available to view and you will not need to rely on a server being online, or even worse the company vanishing along with the server containing years of your rank tracking data. With a desktop software, you stay in control of who accesses your information, when your rank checking is performed and when if ever your data should be deleted.

Also by checking your rankings from your PC, you get to see more accurate results like you would see in your browser rather then checking from a server possibly on the other side of the world which gets served different geo-targeted search results.

Project Options

RankTracker Job SettingsWith each project you create, the Rank Tracker has a number of settings and options available to control how your rankings are checked. You can check your rankings in numerous countries and languages, for instance there’s a choice of 46 different languages and 188 local Google extensions making a total of almost 9,000 different country and language combinations possible for Google alone.

Your can also use proxies and set a delay on a per engine basis which allows you to check a large volume of keywords in a natural fashion to avoid being blocked due to too many queries or searching too quickly from the one IP address. The Rank Tracker can also stop searching when your website is found, so if you are checking the top 500 results and your website is found in the top 10 it can stop to save checking the next 490 results needlessly.

The Rank Tracker has a number of graphs available such as bar and line graphs for displaying ranking data, you can also view graphs for Google, Yahoo and Bing at the same time to see how the different engines have responded to your SEO efforts for different keywords. It’s also possible to print graphs to send to clients or save for your own records.

Scheduled Rank Checking

Scheduled Rank CheckingWith RankTracker now you can schedule your projects to run automatically even when ScrapeBox or the RankTracker is shut down.

With the release of version the RankTracker integrates with Windows Scheduler.

So now you can set all your projects to automatically run at a specific time every day, with the option to also automatically save reports as an .xls spreadsheet.

So now you can schedule your projects to run while you are sleeping, and wake up to the days ranking reports!








Grab the Rank Tracker Plugin for just $37

The Rank Tracker Premium plugin is only available to owners of ScrapeBox, to purchase you must be running ScrapeBox v2.0 or higher to access the “Premium Plugins” option in the menu. From here you can select “Available Premium Plugins” to purchase, and to download after you have paid as well as download plugin updates.

Also note the Rank Tracker Plugin is a lifetime “per user” license, so if you have multiple ScrapeBox licenses registered to the one email address purchasing the Rank Tracker once will activate the plugin for all your ScrapeBox licenses with the same email for life. The plugin is a one-time payment and is not a monthly or yearly subscription, all updates are free.

RankTracker Plugin Tutorial

View our video tutorial showing the RankTracker Plugin in action. This feature is a Premium Plugin and is available from the Plugins menu inside ScrapeBox.

We have hundreds of video tutorials for ScrapeBox.

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