Changelog for v1.12.5

Summary of Changes in v1.12.5

Note: This is an old changelog, please see here for the changelog from v1.1.0 until present: ScrapeBox Changelog

Summary of Platforms
Fast Poster (auto detection)
Movable Type

Slow Poster in accurate mode (auto detection)
Movable Type

Comment Poster:
Lower pane for poster
Fast poster autodetect blogs
Slow poster autodetect blogs
Added to fast and slow poster b2evolution
Added to slow poster ExpressionEngine
More captcha detection added
Decaptcher access in thread

Ping Mode:
Ping has a lower pane
New menu entry “Use Slow Ping Mode”
– When enabled, the full page will be loaded which will work with more types of tracking.

Proxy harvester:
Timeout possible from 1 to 90 seconds
New proxy source added (#6)

Button Import/Export url/pr: Exported url/pr lists can be added to the existing list

User Agents:
Menu settings has now an entry to enable custom user agents, which can be edited.

Bug fixes:
OLE Exception catched
Clipboard error catched
Socket reset in proxy harvester fixed
Catching an .ini write access denied error
Spelling of blacklist corrected

When it detects PR data attached to a blog list during loading of the list for poster, it asks for confirmation to strip them.
New Grid on Accurate Mode to handle large amounts of data.
Use Proxies on Internal Browser

Added alternate method to fill the comment form in case something is blocking filling the comment form by parsing the source and setting the value of the element.

Slow Poster:
WP/BE: Detection of “Comments closed”
WP/BE: Detection of “No comment form”
WP/BE: Detection of “For moderation”

Fast Poster:
WP: Detection of “Comments closed”
WP: Detection of “No comment form”

Markers in Comments:
%NAME% will be replaced with the users name from Names.txt
%EMAIL% will be replaced with the users email from Emails.txt, hyperlinked (except BE, just the email)
%WEBSITE% will be replaced with the users website from Websites.txt, hyperlinked (except BE, just the url)
%BLOGURL% will be replaced with the blog’s url you are commenting on, hyperlinked (except BE, just the url)
%BLOGTITLE% will be replaced with the page title of the blog you are commenting on

Counter in status of ping pane shows how many have been completed